BY: Sarah Bennett
Camp manager blogs are written by our current students who each get a chance to lead and manage a group (of their fellow students) for a period of one week.
This was the week we had all been waiting for. That we had all been studying, reading, and testing for.
Exam week.
Luckily, we had our off-week before through, so this gave us some much needed time to dedicate to our studies (and some well-deserved rest).
Before any of that could happen, we still had final practice drives and a practical botany exam. This involved spending three hours walking through the bush and identifying different trees, bushes, flowers, and even the occasional rock.

After we got through that, we had a little end of semester celebration at Three Bridges. A way to say “well done” to everyone for a gruelling four weeks.
It’s time to study
With the amount that needed to be studied, it would have been good to have an extra few hours in the day. But soon enough everyone was back on campus and ready to get back to the grind. And with only 36 hours before we had our FGASA exam, that’s exactly what we did.
Most of Monday consisted of people memorising definitions, filling out tables, and discussing what we thought we would be asked in the exam.
“If there’s only 150 marks and 17 modules, that’s less than 10 marks per module right?”
“What if they don’t ask anything about astronomy?”
“What do you think they’re going to ask about biomes?”

The exam was growing ever closer, and we still hadn’t come to any conclusions. All we could do was get a good night’s sleep and hope for the best.
Exam day
Everyone was up early on Tuesday morning, frantically re-reading notes and flashcards. About 30 minutes before the test, a herd of elephants stopped on the driveway to wish us luck. This was a nice sign that everything was going to be alright.
Once everyone had put down their pens and handed in their exams, there was a palpable sense of relief. It was done. We had made it through. All we could do now was wait for the results.