Paving the road for industry transformation: Bushwise and the Southern African Wildlife College
Winners of Safari Guide of the Year 2022
African wild dogs: the painted carnivore
From field guide to field guide trainer
Becoming a field guide in the African savannah
Celebrating the newest class of Bushwise graduates
From new graduate to field guide student
A horse trails guide in the African bush
Lifelong memories on a Bushwise course
South African plants and cultural beliefs
Elephants: the big feisty giants
Sights (and smells) of the African bush
Ethics and ethology: let’s talk about elephants
Astronomy and mythology: written in the stars
Why I want to be a field guide: what inspires Bushwise students
Safari in Africa: sightings that last a lifetime
Track and sign: art or science?
Extremely rare, highly threatened, and insanely cute: meet the pangolin
A team effort: life with my Bushwise family
Carnivore competition: it’s more than instinct